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“Highly Oriented PZT Films on MgO (002) Platform for Polarization Independent Electro-Optic Modulation”, Advanced Photonics Congress 2023. Optica, Busan, South Korea, 2023.
, “Highly Sensitive Concentration Sensing Using Silicon Double-Slot Waveguide”, CLEO 2023. Optica, San Jose, California, USA, 2023.
, “igh-Efficiency Grating Fiber-Chip Couplers at Telecom Wavelength in Gallium Nitride-on-Sapphire Waveguide Platform”, CLEO/Europe-EQEC Conference 2023. Optica, Munich, Germany., 2023.
, “Linear and Nonlinear Characterization of broadband integrated Si-rich silicon nitride racetrack ring resonator for on-chip applications”, Applied Optics, vol. 62, no. 14, pp. 3703-3709, 2023.
, “Loaded Silicon Grating Coupler for 40 nm Thin Silicon Nitride Waveguide”, Advanced Photonics Congress 2023. Optica, Busan, South Korea, 2023.
, “Near-IR detection using Photothermal Actuation of Guided-Mode Resonance MEMS Structures in Germanium”, CLEO/Europe-EQEC Conference 2023. Optica, Munich, Germany., 2023.
, “Near-IR detection using Photothermal Actuation of Guided-Mode Resonance MEMS Structures in Germanium”, CLEO/Europe-EQEC Conference. Optica, Munich, Germany, 2023.
, “On-Chip Chemical Sensing Using Double-slot Silicon Waveguide”, IEEE Sensors, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 8360-8365, 2023.
, “Pockels Coefficient Enhancement by Phonon Mode Softening on Strain Engineering in Sputtered PZT-on-Si electro-optic modulator”, Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science . Optica, Tacoma, USA. , p. JM7A. 15, 2023.
, “Polarisation filter and CWDM using hybrid waveguide platform”, 202341076817, 2023.
, “Polarization Independent Grating in GaN-on-Sapphire Photonic Integrated Circuit”, Optics Express, vol. 31, no. 14, pp. 23350-23361, 2023.
, “Silicon Nitride based photonic integrated circuit technology and integration opportunities (Invited)”, CLEO 2023. Optica, San Jose, California, US, 2023.
, “Sputter-deposited PZT on Patterned Silicon Optimization for C-band Electro-Optic Modulation”, Optical Journal of Optical Society of America-B (JOSA B), vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 2321-2329, 2023.
, “Thin-film Wafer-Scale Mid-IR Fabry Perot Cavity Gas Sensor”, Optica, Optics Express, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 10625-10632, 2023.
, “ultilayer waveguide coupler”, 202341007142, 2023.
, “ Blinking Free Narrow bandwidth Single Photon Emission Coupled to Guided Mode Resonant Metasurface at Room Temperature”, APS March Meeting . Bulletin of the American Physical Society, American Physical Society, Minneapolis, USA, 2024.
, “Efficient Poling-Free Wavelength Conversion in Thin Film Lithium Niobate Harnessing Bound States in the Continuum”, Laser & Photonics Reviews, p. 2301335, 2024.
, “Guided Mode Metasurface Assisted Tailored Light-Matter Interactions in Semiconducting Quantum Emitters”, APS March Meeting. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Minneapolis, USA, 2024.
, “Low-loss Non-volatile Phase Change Material on Silicon for Neuromorphic Photonics.”, IEEE Silicon Photonics Conference. IEEE, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2024.
, “A Passive Wavelength Selective Polarization Rotator in a Hybrid Waveguide Platform”, Optics Express, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 13035-13047, 2024.
, “Photonic Integrated Piezo-MEMS (Pip-MEMS) Device for 1D Beam Scanning”, European Conference on Integrated Optics, vol. 402. Springer Nature, Aachen, Germany., 2024.
, “Sandwiched Hybrid Waveguide Platform for Integrated Photonics Application”, Optics Communications, vol. 550, 2024.
, “Sb2Se3 based Non-volatile Memory for Photonic Matrix-Vector Multiplications”, European Conference on Integrated Optics, vol. 405. Springer Nature, Aachen, Germany, 2024.
, “Silicon-loaded waveguide in sputter-deposited PZT-on-MgO platform for on-chip electro-optic applications”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 124, p. 231105 , 2024.
, “Wavelength Division Multiplexing with Polarization Rotation”, IEEE Silicon Photonics Conference. IEEE, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2024.