Shankar K Selvaraja
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“On-Chip Optical Transduction Scheme for Graphene Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems in Silicon-Photonic Platform (Editor's pick)”, Optics Letters, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 659-662, 2018.
, “On-chip Silicon photonics assisted frequency doubling and pulse generation”, International conference on Microwave and Photonics (ICMAP). IEEE, Dhanbad, India, 2018.
, “On-Chip Unidirectional Dual-Band Fiber-Chip Grating Coupler in Silicon Nitride”, OSA Continuum, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 864-871, 2018.
, “Power and Bandwidth Scaling of Electro-Optic Frequency Comb using Cascaded Four-Wave Mixing in a loop augmented by Tailored Optical Feedback”, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2018. San Jose, USA, p. SM2D. 1, 2018.
, “Real-time compensation of errors in refractive index shift measurements of microring sensors using thermo-optic coefficients”, Optics Express, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 13461-13473 , 2018.
, “Scaling Bandwidths of Optical Frequency Combs generated in Silicon Modulators through Heterodyne Optical Frequency Locking”, Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS). Washington DC, USA, p. FW5B. 4, 2018.
, “Silicon Nitride Grating Couplers for Generic Polymer Photonic Circuits”, Photonics 2018. New Delhi, India, 2018.
, “Silicon photonic IC embedded optical-PCB for high-speed interconnect application”, SPIE Phtonics West. SPIE, San Francisco, 2018.
, “Silicon Photonic waveguide”, in Waveguide, London, UNITED KINGDOM: InTechOpen , 2018.
, “Silicon Photonics based On-chip Cantilever Vibration Measurment”, IEEE Sensors 2018. IEEE, New Delhi, pp. 1-4, 2018.
, “Silicon photonics based on-chip vibrometer”, SPIE Photonics West. SPIE, San Francisco, 2018.
, “Silicon Slot Waveguide Mach-Zehnder Using Fixed Electron Beam Moving Stage Pattering technique”, IEEE-ICEE 2018. Bangalore, India, 2018.
, “Silicon-photonic-assisted on-chip RF signal processing”, SPIE Photonics West. SPIE, San Francisco, 2018.
, “Tunable Suppression Ratio and SFDR Enhanced Single Sideband Generation on an Integrated Platform (OSA Best Student Paper Award)”, CLEO Pacific Rim 2018. OSA, Hong Kong , 2018.
, “Ultra-high efficiency Non-uniform Dual-Band Grating Coupler in SiN Platform”, European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO). Valancia, 2018.
, “A versatile, C-band spanning, high repetition rate, cascaded four wave mixing based multi wavelength source”, SPIE Photonics West. SPIE, San Francisco, 2018.
, “Waveguide integration silicon MSM photodetector in silicon nitride-on-SOI platform for visible and NIR wavelength band”, SPIE Photonics West, vol. 10528, 105280X vol. SPIE, San Francisco, 2018.
, “Amorphous Silicon for Photonics Integrated Circuit”, International Conference on Thin Films (ICTF 2017) . 2017.
, “Compact Broadband Low-Loss Taper for Coupling to a Silicon Nitride Photonic Wire”, arXiv, vol. 1711.09831, 2017.
, “Compact Tapers for Silicon Grating Fibre-Chip Couplers in O, C and L band”, CLEO. Munich, Germany, 2017.
, “Diffusion Doped Plasma Dispersion Silicon Modulators”, in Proc. of SPIE Vol, 2017.
, “Integrated Silicon Nitride based TE Dual-band Grating Coupler”, 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC). IEEE, Munich, Germany, 2017.
, “A Novel Scheme to Excite SOI Slot Waveguide Mode”, 14th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP). IEEE, Berlin, Germany, 2017.
, “Optical Frequency Comb Synthesis for Super Channel based High Bandwidth Data Communication (Invited)”, CSI Transactions on ICT, 2017.
, “Optical Single Sideband Generation using Self-Coupled Micro Ring Resonator in SOI”, 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC). Munich, Germany, 2017.