Low Cost Raman Spectrometer System on a Silicon Photonic Chip for Liquid and Solid Sample Analysis.
B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Yogi Vemana University (2010-2014). Recipient of University Medal.
M.Tech in VLSI Design, VITS, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur (2014-2016). Recipient of Pratibha Award from Govt of A.P for academic Excellence.
Research Abstract:
The primary objective in this research work is to build a Raman spectrometer leveraging on the mature silicon based fabrication technology to build key components that would go into the spectrometer and also lower the cost of the spectrometer by resorting to nanofabricated tunable filters rather than dispersive spectroscopy approach. As part of this project, Raman spectroscopy substrates based on slot-waveguides with surface normal ouput would be developed and spectrally tunable dielectric metasurfaces would also be demonstrated.