Purnima Sethi
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“Silicon Photonics beyond silicon for communication and sensing applications (Invited)”, Photonics North. 2020.
, “Alignment Tolerant Broadband Compact Taper for Low-Loss Coupling to a Silicon-on-Insulator Photonic Wire Waveguide”, OSA Applied Optics, vol. 58, no. 23, pp. 6222-6227 , 2019.
, “Compact Tapers for Wire-to-Slot Fundamental Mode Coupling”, 2019 Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP). IEEE, Guwahati, India, 2019.
, “Alignment Tolerant Broadband Compact Taper for Low- Loss Coupling to a Silicon-on-Insulator Wire Waveguide”, IEEE-ICEE 2018. Bangalore, India, 2018.
, “Backscattering Analysis in Higher Order Silicon Microring Resonators”, IEEE-ICEE 2018. Bangalore, India, 2018.
, “Compact Broadband Low-Loss Taper for Coupling to a Silicon Nitride Photonic Wire”, Optics Letters, vol. 43, no. 14, pp. 3433-3436, 2018.
, “Compact broadband taper for low-loss coupling to a silicon nitride photonic wire”, SPIE Photonics West. SPIE, San Francisco, 2018.
, “Grating assisted Fiber to chip Coupling for Si-Photonic circuits”, Applied Sciences , vol. 8, no. 7, p. 1142, 2018.
, “Silicon Photonic waveguide”, in Waveguide, London, UNITED KINGDOM: InTechOpen , 2018.
, “Compact Broadband Low-Loss Taper for Coupling to a Silicon Nitride Photonic Wire”, arXiv, vol. 1711.09831, 2017.
, “Compact Tapers for Silicon Grating Fibre-Chip Couplers in O, C and L band”, CLEO. Munich, Germany, 2017.
, “Ultra-Compact Low-loss Broadband Waveguide Taper in Silicon-on-Insulator”, Optics Expres, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 10196-10203 , 2017.
, “Waveguide Taper for Coupling Waveguides of Optical Elements”, 201741012486, 2017.
, “CMOS-Compatible Silicon Micro-Ring Resonator Based Optical Delay Lines”, in International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, 2016.
, “Q-factor Enhancement in Ultra-Small Silicon Racetrack Resonator through Loading Effects”, in XVIII International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 2015.