Siddharth Nambiar

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S. Nambiar, Chatterjee, A., and Selvaraja, S. K., Comprehensive Grating enabled Silicon Nitride Fiber-Chip couplers in SNIR wavelength band, Optica Optics Express, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 4327-434, 2022.
S. Kumari, Nambiar, S., Kallega, R., Selvaraja, S. K., and Gupta, S., Hybrid SIN-SOI Bragg Filter in Presence of Stress-optic Effect, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 1-7, 2022.
S. K. Selvaraja, Chatterjee, A., and Nambiar, S., Integrated Silicon Photodetectors in Silicon Nitride-on-SOI platform (Invited), Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics-Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR) 2022. Optica, Sapporo, Japan, 2022.
A. Dash, Mere, V., G.P.R., Y., Nambiar, S., Naik, A., and Selvaraja, S. K., CNT Micro-Heater on SOI Micro-Ring Resonator, SPIE Photonics West , vol. 109200. SPIE, San Francisco, p. 109200, 2019.
R. Kallega, Nambiar, S., kalathimekkad, S., Mere, V., and Selvaraja, S. K., Flexible Silicon Nitride photonic integrated circuit embedded in polymer handle, SPIE Photonics West, Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXIII, vol. 10921. SPIE, San Francisco, p. 109210H, 2019.
S. R. Nambiar, Kallega, R., Ranganath, P., and Selvaraja, S. K., High efficiency DBR assisted grating chirp generators for silicon nitride fiber-chip coupling, Scientific Reports, vol. 9, p. 18821, 2019.
S. R. Nambiar, kumar, A., Kallega, R., Ranganath, P., and Selvaraja, S. K., High-efficiency Grating Coupler in 400 nm and 500 nm PECVD Silicon Nitride With Bottom Reflector, IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 1-13, 2019.
A. Dash et al., Low-Power Four-Wave Mixing in Graphene-on-SiN Micro-Ring Resonator, SPIE Photonics West, 2D Photonic Materials and Devices II, vol. 10920. SPIE, San Francisco, p. 109200J , 2019.
A. Dash, Gangavarapu, P. R., Nambiar, S., Selvaraja, S. K., and Naik, A., Transparent on-waveguide electrical interconnects in SiN-photonic platform, Optics Communications, vol. 444, no. 1, pp. 28-31, 2019.
T. Sharma, Ranganath, P., Nambiar, S., and Selvaraja, S. K., Broadband transverse magnetic pass polarizer with low insertion loss based on silicon nitride waveguide , Optical Engineering, vol. 57, no. 3, p. 037104, 2018.
A. Dash, Mere, V., Nambiar, S., Gangavarapu, P. R., Selvaraja, S. K., and Naik, A., CNT-on-waveguide thermo-optic tuners, Optics Letters, vol. 43, no. 21, pp. 5194-5197, 2018.
S. Nambiar, Sethi, P., and Selvaraja, S. K., Grating assisted Fiber to chip Coupling for Si-Photonic circuits, Applied Sciences , vol. 8, no. 7, p. 1142, 2018.
A. kumar, Nambiar, S., Kallega, R., Ranganath, P., and Selvaraja, S. K., High-efficiency Air-Cladded Grating Fiber-Chip Coupler on 500 nm Stoichiometric SiN, in OSI - International Symposium on Optics (OSI-ISO 2018), Kanpur, 2018.
S. Nambiar and Selvaraja, S. K., High-efficiency broad-bandwidth sub-wavelength grating based fibre-chip coupler in SOI, Optical Engineering, vol. 57, no. 1, p. 017115, 2018.
S. R. Nambiar, kumar, A., Kallega, R., Ranganath, P., and Selvaraja, S. K., High-efficiency SiN Grating Fiber-Chip Coupler with Bottom Reflector, European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO). Valancia, 2018.
S. Nambiar, Muthuganesan, H., Sharma, T., and Selvaraja, S. K., On-Chip Unidirectional Dual-Band Fiber-Chip Grating Coupler in Silicon Nitride, OSA Continuum, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 864-871, 2018.
A. kumar, Nambiar, S., Kallega, R., Ranganath, P., and Selvaraja, S. K., Silicon Nitride Grating Couplers for Generic Polymer Photonic Circuits, Photonics 2018. New Delhi, India, 2018.
