Shankar K Selvaraja

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A. Chatterjee and Selvaraja, S. K., On-chip silicon nano-slab photodetector integrated wavelength division de-multiplexer in 850 nm band, Optica Applied Optics., vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 1403-1412, 2022.
K. Chand Maurya et al., Polar Semiconducting Scandium Nitride as an Infrared Plasmon and Phonon–Polaritonic Material, Nano Letters, vol. 22, pp. 5182-5190, 2022.
J. Jacob, Boes, A., Selvaraja, S. K., and Mitchell, A., Poling Free Second-Order Nonlinear Waveguides in LNOI using Bound State in the Continuum, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics-Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR) 2022. Optica, Sapporo, Japan, 2022.
P. Rao, Manoharan, A., and Selvaraja, S. K., Thin-film Wafer-Scale Mid-IR Fabry Perot Cavity Gas Sensor, 2022 Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress, Optical. Optica, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. , p. SM4E.1, 2022.
V. Kumar, Saravanan, S., and Selvaraja, S. K., Common Mode Disturbance Tolerant Broadband Differential SPDT Switch for Ka-band Radar, IEICE Electronics Express (ELEX), vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 20200428-20200428, 2021.
R. Kallega, Shekhawat, R., Ramesh, K., and Selvaraja, S. K., Controlled crystallisation of thermal evaporated GST-on-SOI for photonic neuromorphic application, OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2021. Optical Society of America, Washington, DC United States, 2021.
R. Kallega, Shekhawat, R., Ramesh, K., and Selvaraja, S. K., Controlled phase change of GST-on-SOI for photonic neuromorphic application, 2021 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) . IEEE, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2021.
S. Vura, Jeyaselvan, V., Biswas, R., Raghunathan, V., Selvaraja, S. K., and Raghavan, S., Epitaxial BaTiO3 on Si(100) with In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Polarization Using a Single TiN Transition Layer, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 687-695, 2021.
V. Kumar, Saravanan, S., and Selvaraja, S. K., 'Experimental Demonstration of 35 GHz RF-Over-Fiber Silicon-Photonics Link, in 2nd International Conference on Range Technology (ICORT), Chandipur, Balasore, India, 2021.
P. Rawat, Mere, V., and Selvaraja, S. K., Fano Resonances in Corrugated Ring coupled Bragg Waveguide System, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021. 2021.
S. Samanta, kalathimekkad, S., and Selvaraja, S. K., Fluid Sensing Strategies Adopted in Photonic Devices: A Review  , Elsevier Journal of Optics & Laser Technology , vol. 139, p. 106975, 2021.
S. kalathimekkad, Manoharan, A., and Selvaraja, S. K., Fluidics Integrated Silicon Photonics Based Continuous Monitoring of Electrolyte Concentration in a Flow-channel, 2021 OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress . OSA, Washington, DC United States, 2021.
S. Nambiar, Chatterjee, A., and Selvaraja, S. K., High efficiency Silicon nitride gratings for fiber-chip coupling in 850-900 nm wavelength, CLEO 2021. Optical Society of America, Virtual Conference, p. JW1A.27, 2021.
A. kumar, Nambiar, S. R., Kallega, R., priya,, Ranganath, P., and Selvaraja, S. K., High-efficiency Vertical Fiber-to-Polymer waveguide Coupling scheme for scalable polymer photonic circuit, OSA Optics Express, vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 9699-9710, 2021.
V. Jeyaselvan and Selvaraja, S. K., Mitigation of carrier induced optical bistability in silicon ring resonators, Optics Communications, vol. 493, p. 127021, 2021.
P. Duraiswamy and Selvaraja, S. K., Phase-orthogonal FIR Filter based Reactive Power Measurement for Power Meters, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing., vol. 108, pp. 317–322, 2021.
H. Suresh, Behera, A., Selvaraja, S. K., and Pratap, R., Quantification of curcuminoids in turmeric using visible reflectance spectra and a decision-tree based chemometric approach, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol. 167, no. 16, p. 167528, 2021.
V. Kumar, Saravanan, S., Duraiswamy, P., and Selvaraja, S. K., Single Stage Low Noise Inductor-Less TIA for RF Over Fiber Communication, IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 141504-141512, 2021.
Suraj and Selvaraja, S. K., Sputter-deposited PZT-on-Silicon electro-optic modulator, 2021 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) . IEEE, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2021.
A. Dash, Mere, V., Selvaraja, S. K., and Naik, A., Thermally reconfigurable loss in a passive optical cavity, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021. 2021.
A. Chatterjee and Selvaraja, S. K., WDM integrated silicon nano-slab photodetector for short-reach datacom on silicon nitride-on-SOI platform, CLEO 2021. Optical Society of America, Virtual Conference, p. W1A.134, 2021.
