Shankar K Selvaraja

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A. Pandey and Selvaraja, S. K., Broadly tunable and low power penalty RFphase shifter using a coupled silicon microcavity, OSA Applied Optics, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 425-432, 2020.
A. Chatterjee, S, S., Sikdar, S., and Selvaraja, S. K., Compact Ring Resonator Enhanced Silicon-MSM Photodetector in SiN-on-SOI Platform, OSA Optics Express, vol. 28, no. 22, pp. 33644-3365, 2020.
A. Behera, Suresh, H., Selvaraja, S. K., and Pratap, R., Detection of spent turmeric adulteration in powdered Curcuma longa using Vis-NIR spectroscopy and machine learning, ICEE-2020. 2020.
S. Vikram Bhagavatula, Prakash, R., Selvaraja, S. K., and Supradeepa, V. R., Enhanced nonlinear spectral broadening and sub-picosecond pulse generation by adaptive spectral phase optimization of electro-optic frequency combs, OSA Optics Express, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 11215-11226, 2020.
H. Suresh, Behera, A., Selvaraja, S. K., and Pratap, R., Evaluation of a miniaturised NIR spectrometer for estimating total curcuminoids in powdered turmeric samples, ICEE-2020. 2020.
P. Duraiswamy and Selvaraja, S. K., Fully Digital Synchronous Frequency Doubler for FM Stereo Decoder, IOP Engineering Research Express, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 016001, 2020.
V. BS, Prakash, R., K P Nagarjun, Selvaraja, S. K., and Supradeepa, V. R., Generation of a multi-wavelength source spanning the entire C-band by nonlinear spectral broadening of dual-carrier electro-optic frequency combs, OSA Continuum, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 2185-2194, 2020.
V. BS, Prakash, R., ,, Selvaraja, S. K., and Supradeepa, V. R., High repetition rate sub-picosecond pulse generation through compression of adaptively optimised frequency combs based on phase-modulated continuous wave lasers, SPIE Photonics west Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials and Devices XIX, vol. 11264. p. 1126406, 2020.
R. Mech, Mohta, N., Chatterjee, A., Selvaraja, S. K., Muralidharan, R., and Nath, D., High responsivity and photovoltaic effect based on vertical transport in multi-layer α-In2Se3, Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science, vol. 217, p. 1900932, 2020.
R. Dash and Selvaraja, S. K., High-efficiency broadband grating coupler in SiN/a-Si/SiN sandwich hybrid waveguide, 14th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2020. 2020.
V. Jeyaselvan and Selvaraja, S. K., Investigation and Reduction of Optically Induced Nonlinear Effects in Silicon Ring Resonator, OSA Frontiers in Optics (FiO). Optical Society of America, p. FM2D.4, 2020.
K P Nagarjun, Raj, P., Jeyaselvan, V., Selvaraja, S. K., and Supradeepa, V. R., Microwave power induced resonance shifting of silicon ring modulators for continuously tunable, bandwidth scaled frequency combs, OSA Optics Express, vol. 28, no. 9, pp. 13032-13042, 2020.
A. Vasudevan and Selvaraja, S. K., Multi-domain Study of Oriented Thin-film Barium Titanate, OSA Frontiers in Optics (FiO). Optical Society of America, p. FW7D.7, 2020.
V. Mere, Muthuganesan, H., Kar, Y., Van Kruijsdijk, C., and Selvaraja, S. K., On-chip Chemical Sensing using Slot-waveguide based Ring Resonator, IEEE Sensors, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 5970 - 5975, 2020.
V. Mere, Dash, A., Kallega, R., Pratap, R., Naik, A., and Selvaraja, S. K., On-chip Silicon Photonics based Grating Assisted Vibration Sensor, OSA Optics Express, vol. 28, no. 19, pp. 27495-27505, 2020.
K P Nagarjun, Bhagavatula, S. Vikram, Prakash, R., Singh, A., Selvaraja, S. K., and Supradeepa, V. R., Optical frequency comb based on nonlinear spectral broadening of a phase modulated comb source driven by dual offset locked carriers, OSA Optics Letters, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 893-896, 2020.
V. Mere et al., Photonics Integrated PiezoMEMS-PipMEMS: A Scalable Hybrid Platform for Next-Generation MEMS, IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1-4, 2020.
L. Krishna A. S, Mere, V., Selvaraja, S. K., and Raghunathan, V., Polarization-independent angle-tolerant midinfrared spectral resonance using amorphous germanium high contrast gratings for notch filtering application, OSA Continuum, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 1194-1203, 2020.
A. Dash, Selvaraja, S. K., and Naik, A., Probing optical mode-hybridization in an integrated graphene nano-optomechanical system, OSA Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 1122-1126, 2020.
G. Sushma, Raghunathan, V., and Selvaraja, S. K., Silicon Nitride Waveguide Platform for On-Chip Spectroscopy at Visible and NIR wavelengths, Proc. SPIE 11283, Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXIV, vol. 112831I . SPIE, San Francisco, California, United States, 2020.
S. K. Selvaraja et al., Silicon Photonics beyond silicon for communication and sensing applications (Invited), Photonics North. 2020.
V. Mere, Tiwari, S., Dash, A., Naik, A., Pratap, R., and Selvaraja, S. K., Silicon Photonics Enabled on-Chip Optical Readout of piezoMEMS Resonators (Best student paper award), IEEE Sensors 2020. IEEE, Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp. 1-4, 2020.
V. Jeyaselvan, Pal, A., Kumar, P. S. Anil, and Selvaraja, S. K., Thermally-induced optical modulation in vanadium dioxide-on-silicon waveguide, OSA Continuum, vol. 3, no. 1, 2020.
S. Kumar, Chatterjee, A., Selvaraja, S. K., and Avasthi, S., Two-step Liquid Phase Crystallized Germanium based Photodetector for Near-infrared applications, IEEE Sensors, vol. 20, no. 9, pp. 4660-4666, 2020.
S. Nambiar, Ranganath, P., Kallega, R., and Selvaraja, S. K., Ultra-high Efficiency Grating Chirp Generators for Fiber-Chip Coupling in Silicon Nitride, OSA Frontiers in Optics (FiO). Optical Society of America, p. FTh1C.2 , 2020.
