
Found 37 results
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L. Wang et al., Athermal AWGs in SOI by overlaying a Polymer Cladding on Narrowed Arrayed Waveguides, in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), United States, 2011.
W. Bogaerts et al., Optical Interconnect Technologies based on Silicon Photonics, in MRS Spring 2011, 2011.
B. W. Wang et al., Athermal AWGs in SOI by overlaying a polymer cladding on narrowed arrayed waveguides, r publication in Applied Optics, 51, p.1251-1256, 2012.
et al., Co-integration of Ge detectors and Si modulators in an advanced Si photonics platform, in Proc. SPIE 8431, Silicon Photonics and Photonic Integrated Circuits III, 843114, 2012.
S. Selvarajaa et al., Si photonic device uniformity improvement using wafer-scale location specific processing, IEEE Photonics Conference, pp. 725-726, 2012.
W. Bogaerts et al., Silicon Microring Resonators, Lasers and Photonics Review, vol. 6, pp. 47-73, 2012.
P. P. Absil et al., Advances in silicon photonics WDM devices, in Proc. SPIE 9010 , Next-Generation Optical Networks for Data Centers and Short-Reach Links, 2014.
