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W. Bogaerts et al., Optical Interconnect Technologies based on Silicon Photonics, in MRS Spring 2011, 2011.
P. Absil et al., A Robust Technology Platform for High Density Silicon-Based Photonics Integration, in The 1st International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics Convergence-Advanced Nanophotonics and Silicon Device Systems, Tokyo, Japan, 2011.
W. Bogaerts et al., A Silicon Photonics Platform with Heterogeneous III-V Integration, in Integrated Photonics Research Silicon and Nano-Photonics (IPR), Canada,, 2011.
S. Selvarajaa, L. Rosseel, F. E., Tabat, M., Bogaerts, W., Hautala, J., and Absil, P., SOI Thickness Uniformity Improvement using Corrective Etching for Silicon Nano-Photonic Device, in 8th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, United Kingdom, 2011, pp. 71-73.
S. Selvarajaa, L. Rosseel, F. E., Tabat, M., Bogaerts, W., Hautala, J., and Absil, P., SOI thickness uniformity improvement using wafer-scale corrective etching for silicon nano-photonic device, in 16th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Belgium, 2011, pp. 289-292.
et al., Co-integration of Ge detectors and Si modulators in an advanced Si photonics platform, in Proc. SPIE 8431, Silicon Photonics and Photonic Integrated Circuits III, 843114, 2012.
W. Xie, Fiers, M., Selvarajaa, S., Van Campenhout, J., Absil, P., and Van Thourhout, D., High-Q photonic crystal nanocavities on 300 mm SOI substrate fabricated by 193 nm immersion lithography, in Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter, Belgium, 2012, pp. 183-186.
J. Van Campenhout et al., Low-Voltage, Low-Loss, Multi-Gb/s Silicon Micro-Ring Modulator based on a MOS Capacitor, in OFC 2012, United States, 2012.
J. Van Campenhout et al., Low-Voltage, Low-Loss, Multi-Gb/s Silicon Micro-Ring Modulator based on a MOS Capacitor, in Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC), United States, 2012.
S. Selvarajaa et al., Si photonic device uniformity improvement using wafer-scale location specific processing, IEEE Photonics Conference, pp. 725-726, 2012.
P. Absil et al., Silicon Photonics, a key technology enabler for short reach optical interconnects, in MRS Spring Meeting, California, United States, 2012.
D. Vermeulen et al., Silicon-on-insulator polarization rotator based on a symmetry breaking silicon overlay, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 24, pp. 482-484, 2012.
D. Vermeulen et al., Silicon-on-Insulator polarization rotator based on a symmetry breaking silicon overlay, r publication in Photonics Technology Letters, 24(6), p.482-484, 2012.
S. Selvarajaa et al., 193nm immersion lithography for high-performance silicon photonic circuits, Spie Advanced Lithography, vol. 9052. SPIE , United states, pp. 9052-14, 2014.
P. P. Absil et al., Advances in silicon photonics WDM devices, in Proc. SPIE 9010 , Next-Generation Optical Networks for Data Centers and Short-Reach Links, 2014.
S. K. Selvaraja et al., Highly uniform and low-loss passive silicon photonics devices using a 300mm CMOS platform, in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2014.
W. Xie, Fiers, M., Selvarajaa, S., Van Campenhout, J., Absil, P., and Van Thourhout, D., High-Performance Photonic Crystal Nanocavities on 300 mm SOI Substrate Fabricated With 193nm Immersion Lithography,, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 32, no. 18, pp. 1457 - 1462 , 2014.