We are located in CeNSE, Which hosts National Nanofabrication Facility (NNFc). The National Nanofabrication Centre at the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE) is a CMOS/MEMS/NEMS- capable research facility located at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru (India). This Centre houses state-of-the-art research equipment for both fabrication and in-line characterization of the devices. CeNSE also hosts Micro Nano Charecterization Facility (MNCF). The MNCF offers a wide variety of material and device characterization services enabled by the more than 50 pieces of equipment housed under a single roof at CeNSE, IISc, together with experienced staff.
Apart from these facilities, the neuroelectronics lab hosts some state of the art equipment related to cell culture and electrophysiology. Snapshots of some of our lab equipment are below.

Nikon AX NSPARC upright confocal microscope

Inverted patch clamp rig

Upright patch clamp rig

Tissue culture room CO2 incubators

Bio safety cabinets

3D printer

Spin Coater

Rodent anesthesia setup

Multi electrode array (MEA) system

Pipette puller and polisher
