- “Graphene resonant pressure sensor with ultrahigh responsivity-range product”, SK More, A Naik, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 34 075006, 2024
- “Mixed Nonlinear Response and Transition of Nonlinearity in a Piezoelectric Membrane”, N Arora, P Singh, R Kumar, R Pratap, A. K Naik, ACS Applied Electronic Materials 6 (1), 155–162, 2024
- “Tunable nonlinear damping in MoS2 nanoresonator”, P Prasad, N Arora, AK Naik, Applied Physics Letters, 123 (26), 2023
- “Nano Flex Screen Protectors for 2D Material Piezotronics”, Sai Saraswathi Yarajena, Akshay K Naik, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 22, pp. 1-7, 2023
- “Independently Reconfigurable Internal Loss and Resonance Shift in an Interferometer-Embedded Optical Cavity”, Aneesh Dash, Viphretuo Mere, S.K. Selvaraja, AK Naik, Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 054032
- “Nanomechanical Resonators: Toward Atomic Scale”, B Xu, P Zhang, J Zhu, Z Liu, A Eichler, XQ Zheng, J Lee, A Dash, S More, Song Wu, Yanan Wang, Hao Jia, Akshay Naik, Adrian Bachtold, Rui Yang, Philip X-L Feng, Zenghui Wang, ACS nano, 16 (10), 15545-15585
- “Aptamer-DNA Origami-Functionalized Solid-State Nanopores for Single-Molecule Sensing of G-Quadruplex Formation”, S Pal, A Naik, A Rao, B Chakraborty, MM Varma, ACS Applied Nano Materials 5 (7), 8804-8810
- “Qualitative effect of internal resonance on the dynamics of two-dimensional resonator”, N Arora, AK Naik, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 55, 265301
- “Nanomechanical spectroscopy of ultrathin silicon nitride suspended membranes”, SS Jugade, A Aggarwal, AK Naik, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 93 (5), 50301
- “Two-dimensional ReS2: Solution to the unresolved queries on its structure and inter-layer coupling leading to potential optical applications”, JR Gadde, A Karmakar, TK Maji, S Mukherjee, R Alexander, AMR Sharma, Sarthak Das, Anirban Mandal, Kinshuk Dasgupta, Akshay Naik, Kausik Majumdar, Ranjit Hawaldar, KV Adarsh, Samit Kumar Ray, Debjani Karmakar, Physical Review Materials 5 (5), 054006
- “Quantitative probe for in-plane piezoelectric coupling in 2D materials”, SS Yarajena, R Biswas, V Raghunathan, AK Naik, Scientific reports 11 (1), 1-9
- “Strain engineering of graphene nano-resonator”, SK More, AK Naik, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 31 (4), 045015
- “Ultra-sensitive charge detection and latch memory using MoS2-nanoresonator-based bifurcation amplifiers”, A Dash, SK More, N Arora, AK Naik, Applied Physics Letters 118 (5), 053105
- “Photonics Integrated PiezoMEMS-PipMEMS: A Scalable Hybrid Platform for Next-Generation MEMS”, V Mere, S Tiwari, A Dash, R Kallaga, A Naik, R Pratap, SK Selvaraja, IEEE Sensors Letters, Volume: 4, Issue: 12, Dec. 2020
- “On-chip silicon photonics based grating assisted vibration sensor”,V Mere, A Dash, R Kallega, R Pratap, A Naik, SK Selvaraja, Optics Express 28 (19), 27495-27505
- “Combinatorial Large-area MoS2/Anatase-TiO2 Interface: A Pathway to Emergent Optical and Opto-electronic Functionalities”, Tuhin Kumar Maji, Aswin J Rajlakshmi, Subhrajit Mukherjee, Rajath Alexander, Anirban Mondal, Sarthak Das, Rajendra Kumar Sharma, Naba Kumar Chakraborty, Kinshuk Dasgupta, Anjanashree MR Sharma, Ranjit Hawalder, Manjiri Pandey, Akshay Naik, Kausik Majumdar, Samir Kumar Pal, Kumaran Nair Valsala Devi Adarsh, Samit Kumar Ray, Debjani Karmakar, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ACS 2020, 12, 39, 44345–44359
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- “Probing optical mode hybridization in an integrated graphene nano-optomechanical system”, A Dash, SK Selvaraja, AK Naik, JOSA B 37 (4), 1122-1126
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